Day: November 28, 2023

Interesting facts about Kaitaia College

Interesting facts about Kaitaia College

30 percent of Kaitaia college students are from other nations/cultures, while the 70 percent students are māori. Also Kaitaia college shares european language around on their school, like the front of the office.

The timetable always has math, English, science every day, while the other subjects like sports and others only appear at least one day in each week. We also have periods which is like a break, which we have 2 periods everyday,

There are only five whanau groups, them being named Buck which is the one I am in, Trigg, Ngarimu, Mcmahon and lastly, Miller.

Kaitata College was made around the 1930s, which was also when the great depression was a thing, and before 1940s when world war 2 happened.

If you own a chromebook (which is a laptop), your school has to unmanaged your chromebook just so College (or high school) can manage it.

There are at least more then 60 staff members (including teachers) that work in Kaitaia College, while there are also around 850 students in Kaitaia College.

On the first day on the first week on the first term of College, the year 9s who are new to college, and the year 13s, they are only the first ones to go to College on the first week expect for the year 10s to 12s. So the year 13s can teach the new ones such as the year 9s, tell and show them where things are and things work.

That is it I hope you have a nice day! bye-bye